Eric S. Kane, P.L.
One Aventura Executive Center
20900 N.E. 30th Avenue, Suite 403
Aventura, Florida 33180
Telephone: 305.937.7280
Fax: 305.937.7242
The law office of Eric S. Kane, PL is located in Aventura, a municipality in Miami-Dade County. The law office of Eric S. Kane, PL assists clients in uncontested probate matters throughout the State of Florida.
For probate assistance throughout Florida, Florida probate attorney Eric S. Kane will patiently guide you through this complex but necessary process.
A client has many choices in the selection of a Florida Probate Lawyer. Mr. Kane graduated cum laude with a J.D. and L.LM from the University of Miami School of Law in Coral Gables, Florida and earned a B.A. in Government and Latin American Studies cum laude from Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Mr. Kane has served as a Special Magistrate in the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court in and for Miami-Dade, County, Florida.
You are encouraged to contact Mr. Kane for your Florida Probate Administration needs. Eric S. Kane, P.L. provides a free initial consultation to all prospective clients. Call (305) 937-7280. The law office of Eric S. Kane, P.L. is located in Aventura, Florida.
Eric S. Kane, P.L. provides efficient probate service for clients throughout Florida.
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